The Bence-Jones protein (BJP) in the urine of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) shows direct toxicity on the renal proximal tubular cells (PTC). In the present study, an in vitro study on the mechanism for the partial toxicity of BJP on the renal PTC was made. In this study, the effects of k and λ types of BJP on the rat NRK,52E PTC cultivated for 12-48 hours were observed by flow cytometry, TUNEL and eleetron-micrography. The results showed that the apoptotic rates of the PTC co-cultured with 10 mg/ml and 20 mg/ml were higher than those co-cultured with 5 mg/ml of BJP in both the BJP group and control group. The proportions of apoptosis induced in both groups significantly increased keeping pace with advance of times, and were comparatively higher than those of the control group. However, there was no significant difference in the apoptotie rates k or λ type of BJP groups. These results indicate that both the k and λ types of BJP show anti-proliferative effect and can induce apoptosis of rat renal proximal tubular cells in vitro, and this effect enhances with concentration of BJP and the times of co-cultivation.
Current Immunology