通过分析《印度之行》的标题、结构、主要事件、人物塑造和主要意象的象征含义 ,全方位追踪福斯特对人类世界既立足于错综复杂的现实、又超然于哲学高度的探索之旅 ,解读小说家对现实存在的两个层面 (人类层面和非人类层面 )的同步考察 ,探求人类存在的终极意义。
By interpreting synthetically the symbolic implications of the major events and characterization in E.M.Forster’s A Passage to India, together with its recurrent symbols and images, this study aims at an in depth analysis on a wider scope to appreciate the novel’s perfect combination of social realism, philosophic insight and symbolic suggestion, tracing the novelist’s realistic and philosophical passage to man and his universe.
Journal of Sichuan International Studies University