武士道是传统日本人灵魂的最高准则。在日本 ,武士道有佛教、神道教、孔孟之道的儒家学说几个思想渊源。日本历史上 ,武士阶层作为政治精英存在的时间长达千余年 ,然至漱石所处的明治大正时期 ,武士阶层的社会地位已大幅度下降 ,“武士”已成为一个转身而去的历史背影 ,但是武士人格、武士精神、武士道已经融进了日本民族的血液中 ,漱石的文学中经常闪现着这个历史背影。本文拟从三个角度把握漱石文学中人物的武士道精神实质 :“克己”的性格倾向 ;重视名誉的价值取向 ;“死”的情结及恩义观。
Bushido is the highest principle for traditional Japanese soul. In Japan, Bushido has several ideological sources, such as Buddhism, Taoism and the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius. In Japanese history, the warrior class has been political elites for over 1000 years. But in Meezi-Daisee period, the social position of warrior class has already declined greatly. However, warrior's personality, spirit and Bushido have been merged into Japanese blood. This kind of historical background often appears in Natsume Souseki 's works. This essay grasps the essence of Bushido spirit of characters from three points: the personality tendency to 'restrain oneself', the value tendency to think highly of reputation, the complex of 'death' and the view of grace and justice.
Foreign Literature Studies