分别采用有机溶剂法与超临界二氧化碳萃取法对通辽市开鲁县盛产的红辣椒进行了辣椒红色素的提取分离。通过分光光度法对产品品质进行了分析鉴定。采用两种方法分别得到了色价为 6 8.4与 2 89.3的油状辣椒红色素。结果表明 :超临界二氧化碳萃取法具有产品回收率大、产率高、色价高等优点而更适于辣椒红色素的提取。
Capsanthin was successfully extracted from red chillies respectively by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and solvent extraction. The color value of capsanthin was analyzed with spectrophotometry. The color value of capsanthin extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and solvent extraction are respectively 68.4 and 289.3. As compared with solvent extraction,supercritical carbon dioxide extraction could obtain capsanthin product with higher color value, recovery and yield, and is more suitable for extraction of capsanthin.
China Food Additives