2Hans Henrik Holm,"A Dissggregated World Order in the Making.Policy towards Failed States as an Example", Imemational Politics,38,Sept.2001. 被引量:1
3Susan E. Rice, "The New National Security Strategy. Focused on Failed States". Policy, 116, Feb. 2003. 被引量:1
4Failed and Collapsed States in the International Sysum, a report prepared by The Africa Studies Center, Leiden, The Thansnational Institute,Amsterdam, The Center of Social Studies, Coimbra University, and Peace Research Center- CIP- FUHEM, Madrid, Dec. 2003, p.4. 被引量:1
5Jack A. Goldstone, Marc A. Levy, etc., State Failure Task Force Report.III Findings,Sept.30.2000. 被引量:1
6Robrt I.Rotberg,"Failed States in a World of Terror",Foreign Affairs,Vol,81,No,4.July/August 2002.pp.132-133. 被引量:1
7also Robert I.Rotberg,"The New Nature of Nation-State Failure",The Washington Quarterly,Vol,25.No.3,Summer 2002. 被引量:1