
国家失败与失败国家——关于“失败国家”现象的一些批判性思考 被引量:4

State Failure and Failed State
摘要 "失败国家"是一个当代现象,但它应该与"国家失败"区分开来。"国家失败"表示任何一个国家都可能面临的不断受挫的正常过程,而"失败国家"则表示一种耻辱的身份。"失败国家"这个词语在冷战结束后被制造出来,它的内涵不断扩大,从经济领域扩展到政治和安全领域,对它的解释表现为一个不断展示美国价值观的过程。国家失败的后果是危险而苦涩的,但它并不必然与恐怖主义相连。国际社会对国家失败负有道义上的责任,但时时遭遇集体行动的困境。国际社会需要调整对国家失败的认知、态度和策略,找到一条真正能够拯救国家失败的道路。 'Failed state' is a contemporary phenomenon, which should be separated from 'state failure', a normal process of frustrations that any country may encounter. 'Failed state' represents an identity of disgrace, a term created after the end of the cold war, and its contents were expanding from the economic area to the political and security areas. The interpretation of the term is a process of displaying American values. The consequences of state failure are dangerous and bitter, but it should not be linked to terrorism. The international community has moral responsibility for 'state failure', but is often trapped in the dilemma of collective action. The international community needs to adjust its perception, attitude and strategy towards 'state failure', and find the proper way to help these states out.
作者 甘均先
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期25-30,共6页 International Forum
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  • 8Michael T. Klare, “the Deadly Connection: paramilitary bands, small arms diffusion, and state failure”, in Robert I. Rotberg (ed), When States Fail : Cattses and Consequences, Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2004, pp. 116- 134. 被引量:1
  • 9Robert I. Rotberg, “the Failure and Collapse of Nationstates: breakdown, prevention, and repair”, in Robert I. Rotberg (ed), When States Fail : Causes and Consequences, pp. 1-50. 被引量:1
  • 10Noam Chomsky, Failed States : the Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy, New York, 2006. 被引量:1


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  • 4Hans Henrik Holm,"A Dissggregated World Order in the Making.Policy towards Failed States as an Example", Imemational Politics,38,Sept.2001. 被引量:1
  • 5Susan E. Rice, "The New National Security Strategy. Focused on Failed States". Policy, 116, Feb. 2003. 被引量:1
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