毒品犯罪是一个极其严重的社会问题。我国政府对毒品犯罪的严厉打击取得了一定的成效,但在司法实践中仍存在许多不足和失误之处。应当将毒品犯罪认定为行为犯,行为人只要实施了走私、制造、贩卖、运输、非法持有毒品中的任何一种行为就构成了相应的犯罪既遂形态; 毒品是否最终流向社会,只能作为量刑情节考虑。在主观方面,除了直接故意外,间接故意也可以构成毒品犯罪。在量刑时,涉案毒品数量不是判处死刑的唯一标准,而应当综合考虑其他犯罪情节和对社会的危害程度。为了协调全国人大常委会关于禁毒的决定和刑法的冲突,建议将毒品累犯扩大至走私、贩卖、运输、制造、非法持有毒品罪等五种犯罪,个人和单位都可以构成毒品犯罪累犯。
Drug crime is an extremely serious social concern. Our government has made certain effect to strike the drug crime, but there are a lot of places of insufficient and fault in the judicial practice. The crime should be regarded crime of the behavior , so long as the actor has any kind of behaviors ,like smuggling, making, transporting , or holding the drugs , and the corresponding accomplished shape of crime come into being; Whether the drugs flow into the society finally , can only be considered as the plot of measurement of penalty . In subjective respect, except on purpose directly, indirect can commit drug crime on purpose. In the measurement of penalty, the quantity of drug involved in the case is not the only standard sentenced to death, and we should consider other crime plots and extent of injury to the society synthetically . In order to coordinate the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress about the decision of the narcotics control and conflict with criminal law, we should expand the drugs recidivist to such five kinds of crimes as smuggling, trafficking , transporting , making , illegal holding of drugs , etc. , individuals and units can all form the crime recidivist of the drugs .
Journal of Henan Judicial Police Vocational College
crime concerned drugs
accomplished standard
behavior on purpose
quantity of the drugs
drugs recidivist