“治风先治血”理论广泛应用于各种风病的治疗,对于风病的治疗具有深远的指导意义。帕金森病(Parkinson’s Disease, PD)是一种常见于中老年人的运动障碍性疾病,在中医上归属为“颤证”范畴,颤证以风动之象为主要表现,总属风病。笔者认为风、血两大因素贯穿PD发生发展,血虚、血瘀致气血运行不畅,肢体失养而致肢体拘挛、颤动,在PD发病早期风邪为主,而在PD后期多兼夹血虚、血瘀,风血交织而生颤证,因此,在PD的中医证治中应把握好“治风先治血”,使得“血行风自灭”。
The theory of “treating blood before treating wind” is widely used in the treatment of various wind diseases, which has far-reaching guiding significance for the treatment of wind diseases. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a kind of movement disorder disease which is common in the middle-aged and elderly people. It belongs to the category of “tremor syndrome” in traditional Chinese medicine. The author thinks that wind and blood are two major factors that run through the occurrence and development of PD. Blood deficiency and blood stasis lead to poor circulation of qi and blood, and limb dystrophy leads to limb spasm and tremor. In the early stage of PD, wind evil is dominant, while in the late stage of PD, it is often accompanied by blood deficiency and blood stasis, and wind and blood interweave and produce tremor syndrome. Therefore, in the treatment of PD in traditional Chinese medicine, it is necessary to grasp the principle of “treating wind first and treating blood”, so that “extinguishing wind by blood circulation”.
Traditional Chinese Medicine