近年来,农药污染问题频频发生,关于农药包装塑料污染及农药污染的问题日益严重,农药包装处理在社会上备受关注。回收处理是解决农药包装有害物污染的有效办法。基于此文章从农户角度对农药包装有害物的处理现状、回收态度以及回收模式选择进行研究,通过实地调研形式运用R studio与SPSS结合建立典型相关模型。研究表明:“顺手丢弃”和“扔垃圾场”是目前中国农民处理农药包装有害物最常用的两种方式;超过90%的农民表示支持农药包装有害物回收工作,他们的态度主要受到农药认知水平的影响;短期内应以政府主导型回收模式为主,长期则应该根据农户的农药认知和回收态度情况逐步建立农药包装有害物回收市场。
In recent years, the problem of pesticide pollution has occurred frequently, the problem of pesticide packaging plastic pollution and pesticide pollution has become increasingly serious, and pesticide packaging treatment has attracted much attention in the society. Recycling treatment is an effective way to solve the pollution of harmful substances in pesticide packaging. Based on this paper, from the perspective of farmers, the treatment status, recycling attitude and recycling mode selection of harmful chemicals in pesticide packaging were studied. Through field research, R studio and SPSS were combined to establish a typical correlation model. The research shows that “discarding” and “dumping” are the two most commonly used ways for Chinese farmers to dispose of harmful substances in pesticide packaging. More than 90% of farmers expressed support for the recycling of harmful substances in pesticide packaging, and their attitude was mainly affected by the level of pesticide awareness. In the short term, the government-led recycling model should be the main one, and in the long term, the recycling market of pesticide packaging harmful substances should be gradually established according to farmers’ pesticide cognition and recycling attitude.
Pure Mathematics