目的:了解冬春季新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情抬头期间武汉高职学生对新冠病毒疫苗接种态度及影响因素。方法:采用方便抽样,对武汉市664名某高职院校学生进行问卷调查,问卷内容包括一般资料调查表、新冠肺炎认知调查表、新冠病毒疫苗认知调查表、新冠病毒疫苗态度调查表。结果:高职学生对新股病毒疫苗接种态度的总平均分为(3.18 ±0.92)分。多元回归结果显示,是否愿意做核酸检测、新冠肺炎信息了解程度、自感新冠肺炎对身体健康威胁程度、重点人群、接种地点、不良反应是影响高职学生对新股病毒疫苗接种态度的因素(β = −0.13~0.39。
Objective: To understand theattitudes and influencing factors of COVID-19 vaccination among highervocational college students in Wuhan during the rise of Covid-19 epidemic inwinter and spring. Methods: Using convenient sampling, 664 higher vocationalcollege students in Wuhan were investigated. The contents of the questionnaireincluded general information, the cognitive of Covid-19, the cognitive of Covid-19vaccine, the attitude of Covid-19 vaccine. Results: The overall average scoreof higher vocational students’ attitude towards Covid-19 vaccine was (3.18 ±0.92).Multiple regression results showed that willingness to do nucleic acid test,the information understanding degree of COVID-19, perceived COVID-19 threat tohealth degree, key population, vaccination site, and adverse reactions were thefactors that affected higher vocational college students’ attitude towardsCOVID-19 vaccine (β = −0.13~0.39, P
Nursing Science