文章以系统功能语言学的投射系统理论为基础,研究了《中国日报》《人民日报》和《环球时报》英文新闻报道中的投射类型,并进一步分析投射类型的功能。研究发现国内英文新闻报道中的投射类型主要为主从式话语投射和并列式话语投射,嵌入式投射和事实使用较少。投射在英文新闻报道中的功能包括增加新闻报道的真实性和客观性、间接表达语篇作者的思想观点、加强与受众之间的互动。文章有助于人们更好地理解新闻语篇,提高语篇阅读能力,同时为新闻媒体工作者更好地传播中国声音提供参考。Drawing on projection system theory in Systemic Functional Linguistics, this paper studies the types of projection in English news reports in China Daily, People’s Daily, and Global Times, and further probes into the functions of projection. The results reveal that the main types of projection in Chinese English news reports are hypotactic projection of locution and paratactic projection of locution, while embedded projection and facts are less. The functions of projection in English news reports involve increasing the authenticity and objectivity of the news reports, indirectly expressing the discourse writers’ ideas and viewpoints, and strengthening the interaction with readers. This paper is helpful for people to better understand the news discourse, improve their discourse reading ability, and simultaneously provide a reference for news media workers to better disseminate the voice of China.
Modern Linguistics