In order to analyze β-caroteneand Ve contents of main species and sub-species of Hippohae genus, 26 fruits samples from 8 species and sub-species,were collected from natural resources locations in Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai,Gansu, with the ultraviolet spectrophotometer method, which showed that the β-carotene and Ve contents of driedpulp, seeds and total fruits of H.tibetana were the highest among all the samples, and those of H. salicifolia were all the least exceptthe Ve content of dried total fruits. Though with the highest contents of twoingredients, H. tibetana was notsuitable for fruits development due to its low fruits yield and no artificialplantations, whereas for Hippophaerhamnoides. ssp. sinensis, H. r. ssp. turkestanica, H. r. ssp. mongolica, with strong adaptabilities,large scaled areas of both natural and artificial resources, high fruits yield,and contents of β-carotene and Ve inChina, should be put forward for a scientific layout, reasonable cultivationmeasures, and systematic development of their fruits. As for H. r. ssp. yunnanensis, with high contents of β-carotene and Ve, its introduction should be promoted in thesuitable areas for further fruits uses. The above mentioned four seabuckthornsub-species of the so-called “third generation fruit” will play an importantroles as an important resource of fruits to increase the health level ofChinese, promote the pace of quality development of economy and society in the seabuckthornplanting areas.
Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science