For the privacy dispute of one spousedisclosing the extramarital affair of his or her spouse, there is a problem incurrent judicial practice that the extramarital affair is not protected by theright to privacy and the tort of disclosing privacy can be exempted by the dutyof fidelity. These problems arise from the traditional notion that extramaritalaffairs are not private or that extramarital affairs are unethical and not protectedby the right to privacy, and from judges’ misunderstanding of the relationshipbetween the duty of fidelity and the protection of privacy. Fulfillment of theduty of fidelity cannot be against the right to privacy. The judge’s exemptionfrom the tort of disclosure of privacy is not only without legal basis but alsodetrimental to the protection of the rights of the privacy rights holder, therelief of the rights and interests of the non-faulting spouse and themaintenance of the spousal relationship. Disclosing the privacy of anextramarital affair is an act of retaliation against an unfaithful spouse andmay have the additional consequence of violating the privacy of a third person.The Civil Code has made the right to privacy a specific personality right, andthe judiciary should pay more attention to the protection of privacy betweenspouses, eliminate the influence of moral concepts on the determination ofpublic privacy infringement, and focus on the realization of substantivejustice in privacy disputes between spouses.
Dispute Settlement