目的 为高校开展艾滋病 (AIDS)健康教育提供依据。方法 采取整群随机抽样方法 ,对湖南省 7所高校 5 0 0名大学生进行问卷调查。结果 大学生对AIDS知识比较贫乏 ,对AIDS的相关态度认识不足 ,对待婚前性行为认同或无所谓者高达 4 9.7%。结论 当前在大学生中开展全面系统的AIDS健康教育十分必要。
Objective To provide scientific basis for AIDS health education in institutes of bigher learning.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 500 students in 7 universities in Hunan Province by random sampling.Results First,the university students knew little about AIDS,for example,only 49.7% of them were awave of the World AIDS Day and 31.1% of them thought HIV infection as the same as AIDS.Second,their attitudes toward AIDS were not correct enough;73.1% of the respondents feared AIDS,but less than 33.3% of them thought it very dangerous.The rete of taking positive attitude towards premarital sex was rather high(49.7%).Conclusion It is very important to carry out AIDS health education for university students.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD