针对当前中考体育加试存在的问题 ,提出了进一步纠正错误的教育观念 ,牢固树立“健康第一”的指导思想 ,确立以“学生健康为本”的思想为学校体育的中心思想 ;以学生健康为中心 ,建立“以学生健康为本”的体育课程新体系 ;加强学生诚信教育 ,实行全员育人 ;加强对学生及其监护人的反兴奋剂教育 ,提高学生自我保护意识 ;改革中考体育加试 ,建立以学生健康发展为中心的考试制度 ;
Probe into the problems and Countermeasures about facing to the problems existed in attached PE exam in middel achool entrance exam, the author of this thesis thinks: wrong educational idea should be corrected further and the quiding ideology which called ”Health First” and ”students health is the foundation” should be set up firmly; as wellas a new PE Course system based on the foundation of students health should be formed; strengthen the sincerity cultivation; and teach students and their guardians to fight against stimunant and self-protect awareness; In order to set up the exam. system which based on the students health, the attached PE exam. in the middle school entrance examination reform should be carried out.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University