目的:研究系统性红斑狼疮(Systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)血清诱导正常单核细胞(Monocyte,Mo)向树突状细胞(Dendritic cells,DC)分化的时间相关性。方法:分离正常人单核细胞,分别以GM-CSF/IL-4系统和正常人血清(Normal serum)系统以及SLE患者血清(SLE serum)系统诱导培养,在培养的第3、5和第7天收集细胞。流式细胞术检测HLA-DR和CD80,混合淋巴细胞反应检测其功能。结果:诱导培养的第3天SLE血清组可见大量细胞集落,电镜下观察呈典型树突状形态;GM-CSF/IL-4组第4天亦可见大量集落;正常血清组始终无集落形成。HLA-DR在GM-CSF/IL-4系统中始终高表达,CD80随LPS的刺激而升高。正常血清中HLA-DR和CD80始终低表达。SLE患者血清中HLA-DR中等程度表达,CD80在第5天升高达中等程度表达并维持至第7天。MLR显示SLE患者血清组的SI在第5天升高,然而第7天明显下降。结论:SLE血清可以诱导正常单核细胞分化为DC,其功能状态与培养时间呈一定的相关性。
Objective: To study the time correlation in inducing the monocyte-derived-dendritic cells (MDDC) by the serum of sys-
temic lupus erythematosus (SLE) . Methods: The purified normal monocytes, cultured in GM-CSF/IL-4 and Normal serum and SLE serum, were collected on the third, fifth and seventh day. Flow cytometric was used to identify the surface markers, and mixed leukocyte reaction to assess the function. Results: On day 3, monocytes were clustered and differentiated into dendritic cells (DCs) identified by scan electronic microscopy in SLE Serum, as the GM-CSF/IL-4 system, while Normal serum lacked the effects mentioned above. Phe-notypical evaluation revealed that HLA-DR expression in GM-CSF/IL-4 system always ranked top, while CD80 projected with the addition of LPS. Normal serum could not boost HLA-DR and CD80, yet, in SLE serum system, monocyte did differentiate into DCs that express higher HLA-DR and CD80. The stimulation index (SI) of mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) of MDDC induced by the SLE serum peaked at the fifth day and slipped at day 7. Conclusion: SLE serum could induce normal monocytes into DCs that is highly correlated with the culture time.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)