报道垂体ACTH微腺瘤经蝶窦显微手术的远期结果。本组Ⅰ级微腺瘤20例,Ⅱ~Ⅲ级5例,巨型3例。除巨型者经额开颅外,余均行经蝶窦手术。男6例,女22例,年龄18~52,平均32.9岁。术后随诊1~7年。根治率Ⅰ级85%(17/20),Ⅱ~Ⅲ级3/5,巨型1/3。Ⅰ级根治组17例中;13例已恢复工作,1例恢复上学,2例操持家务,仅1例严重记忆障碍,病休在家。本文中探讨了垂体性Cushing 的诊治问题。
Late results of surgical removal of 28 casesof pituitary ACTH adenoma are reported. Therewere 6 males and 22 females. age ranging from18-52 years old. averaging 32. 9 years. Accordingto the standard classification, 20 cases werefound grade Ⅰ microadenoma. 5 cases of gradeⅡ-Ⅲ. and 3 cases of huge size. 25 patients wereoperated via a transsphenoidal approach. and 3cases with huge size tumor were operated via asubfrontal approach. The rate of radical curefor grade Ⅰ was 85% (17/21). grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ 60%(3/5).and huge size (1/3). Among 17 cases of radicalcure grade Ⅰ, 13 cases had restored nomal workingability from 1 to 7 years, one case had returned toschool, two cases were able to maintain familyactivity; only case was confined to home due tosevere loss of memory. The problem of diagnosisand treatment of Cushing disease are discussed.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery