近年来,应用昆虫病原斯氏线虫Steinernema spp。防治害虫的工作己取得了一些令人鼓舞的进展(Poinar,1983;Miller,1984)。Bedding(1976,1981)将共生菌接到带有营养物质的海绵碎作为人工培养基,大量繁殖昆虫病原线虫获得成功,大大推进了病原线虫的大面积应用。但人工大量繁殖病原线虫的最优培养条件方面,国内外报导尚少。鉴此,我们在原有工作(徐洁莲等,1989)的基础上。
This paper deal with the influence of the autoclaving time period of medium,the vessel volume,temperature and the time for inoculating nematodes on the reproduction, retention rate of bacteria and toxicity of the three strains of nematodes, Steinernema feltiae A24, S.bibionis T319 and S.glaseri NC34 under 70 g medium per conical flask. The results are that the total output, the retention rate of bacteria and the toxicity are higher under the following conditions:vessel volume—1000ml, autoclaving time period—20min. (121℃), nematodes inoculating time—2—4days after adding bacteria,culturing tempe rature—20—24℃.
Natural Enemies of Insects