为害荔枝树皮的新害虫荔枝巢蛾Comoritis albicapilla Moriuti在广东1年发生1代,由于幼虫藏匿于自身吐丝粘连粪粒组成的双层网下,使农药防治困难。作者以昆虫病原线虫为主,对比使用化学农药,寻求对该虫有效的防治方法。结果表明,荔枝巢蛾幼虫、蛹对昆虫病原线虫4个种的5个品系十分敏感,其感染率与病原线虫的剂量成正相关:Y=2.737+1.264X,LD_(50)=6.165 IJ/虫。但是,大田防效很不稳定,在同一剂量下,其防效可从14.2%~92.1%。研究表明,树皮的湿度是影响线虫存活和防治效果的最重要因素,春天雨季喷雾昆虫病原线虫防治荔枝巢蛾效果很好。
There is one generation a year of Comoritis albicapilla Moriuti, a new yponomeutid moths pest damages seriously on the bark of lichi tree, in Guangdong Province. The larvae conceal themselves under a double layer web made with their silks and excrements, and are very difficult to keep them under control. The authors attempted to use some entomopathogenic nematodes such as Steinernema carpocapsae A-griotes, S. glaseri KG, S. feltiae T319 and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora 8406 against this insect pest and to compare with the use of chemical insecticides. The indoor results showed that the larvae and pupae were very sensitive to all of these nematodes, and there was significantly positive correlation between the infesting rates (Y) and the dosages of nematode (X): Y = 2. 737 + 1. 264 X; LD50= 6. 165 IJ / individual of C. albicapilla. Whilst the control results were unstable in field tests, the infesting rates of a same dosage treatment ranged from 14. 2 %- 92. 1%. The reason has found that the bark humidity is a most important factor affecting on the survival and control efficacy of nematode, the most effective results of spraying of entomopathogenic nematode for controlling C. albicapilla occurred in rainy spring.
Journal of Plant Protection