目的 了解实验猕猴对常用的两种日粮营养成分的消化能力 ,掌握实验猕猴对营养物质的消化特点 ,为以后设计和筛选幼猕猴的日粮配方提供参考和理论依据。方法 选择健康的 10只自繁幼猕猴 ,分为 2组 ,每组 5只 ,雌雄搭配 ,单笼饲养 ,采用全收粪法对两种日粮进行 5d消化试验 ,测定两种日粮的 8种常规营养成分的表观消化率。结果 Ⅱ组日粮的消化率除粗纤维 (CF)和磷 (P)外 ,其他养分与Ⅰ组的相当 ,Ⅱ组的总能 (GE)、粗蛋白(CP)、粗脂肪 (EE)、粗纤维 (CF)、无氮浸出物 (NFE)、灰分 (CA)、钙 (Ca)和磷 (P)的平均表观消化率 (% )分别为90 4 2、86 4 4、71 96、5 7 2 4、93 4 7、4 2 15、30 4 9和 2 9 89,Ⅰ组分别为 89 31、83 2 4、70 15、33 2 5、92 6 3、4 0 35、30 6 2和10 5 7;通过t检验 ,Ⅱ组粗纤维 (CF)的表观消化率显著高于Ⅰ组 (P <0 0 1) ,Ⅱ组的磷 (P)的表观消化率也显著高于Ⅰ组 (P≤ 0 0 1)。结果表明 ,幼猕猴对饲料Ⅱ的粗纤维 (CF)和磷 (P)的表观消化率相对较高 (P≤ 0 0 1)。结论 幼猕猴对两种日粮的营养成分都具有较好的消化性 ,但由于对钙 (Ca)、磷 (P)的利用率较低 ,且钙磷比 (Ca∶P)对钙(Ca)、磷 (P)的消化吸收有一定的影响 ,所以Ca。
Objective To study the apparent digestibility of two rations and master digestibility feature of proximate nutrients in laboratory macaques, for designing and selecting ration formula for young macaques. Methods Ten healthy young ma-caques were selected and devided into two groups, five macaques a group and each one in a separate cage. Digestibility trial was conducted for five days, and apparent digestibility of eight proximate nutrients in two rations measured. Results Digestibility of the proximate nutrients in rationⅡ except for crude fiber (CF) and phosphorus (P), was similar to the ration Ⅰ. The apparent digestibility of gross energy (GE), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extract (NFE), crude ash (CA), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) in groupⅡwas 90.42%,86.44%,71.96%,57.24%,93.47%, 42.15%,30.49% and 29.89%, and in groupⅠwas 89.31%,83.24%,70.15%,33.25%, 92.63%,40.35%, 30.62% and 10.57% respectively. By t test, the apparent digestibility of crude fiber(CF) of groupⅡwas higher than groupⅠ(P<0.01), the apparent digestibility of phosphorus (P) of groupⅡ was higher than groupⅠtoo (p≤0.01). The result indicated digestibility of crude fiber (CF) and phosphorus (P) of rationⅡ was higher for young macaques(p≤0.01). Conclusion Young macaques showed good digestibility of two rations proximate nutrients. But digestibility of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) in the rations was lower, the ratio between calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) in the rations influenced their digestibility.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine