目的 了解农村地区已婚艾滋病病毒 (HIV)感染者夫妻双方预防艾滋病知识知晓程度及影响因素 ,以确定采取有针对性的健康教育方式。 方法 采用方便抽样的方法确定研究对象 ,对研究对象采用匿名问卷进行横断面调查 ,选择单因素Logistic回归有意义的变量作为自变量建立多因素非条件Logistic回归以确定HIV感染者艾滋病知识的影响因素。 结果 本次调查共回收 84份有效问卷 ,调查结果显示 :感染者及其配偶艾滋病传播途径知晓率分别为 45 2 %和 44 1% ;艾滋病非传播途径分别为 13 1%和 7 1% ;艾滋病预防方法的知晓率分别为 2 1 4%和 2 0 2 % ;艾滋病知识总的知晓率分别为 2 0 2 %和 15 5 % ;而感染者知道自己感染了HIV的为 6 0 % ,配偶知道指示病例感染HIV的为 71 4%。多因素分析结果表明HIV感染者的艾滋病知识知晓率与以往家庭接受艾滋病知识宣传次数、HIV感染者的文化程度及夫妻双方至少有一方外出打工有关。 结论 农村地区HIV感染者夫妻双方艾滋病知识严重缺乏 ,应采取有针对性的健康教育方式 ,同时应加强感染者本人和配偶对HIV感染情况的知情。
Objective To identify the predictors of AIDS related knowledge among rural HIV discordant couples for formulating target publicity strategy Methods Subjects were sampled by means of convenient,cross sectional surveys were carried out by designed anonymous questionnaire Significant factors tested from simple logistic regression were analyzed by stepwise multivarate logistic regression to define independent predictors of knowledge for people living with HIV(PLWH) Results A total of 84 eligible questionnaires were collected,results showed:Awareness rates of HIV transmission routes for PLWHs and their spouses were 45 2% and 44 1%,respectively;the rates were 13 1% and 7 1% for non HIV transmission routes;the rate were 21 4% and 20 2% for method of prevention;the rates were 20 2% and 15 5% for general knowledge of AIDS;the awareness rate of being infected were 6 0% and 71 4% for PLWHs and their spouses Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed:experiences of receiving publicity,education history of PLWH and migrant history were associated with general knowledge of PLWHs Conclusion Lack of AIDS related knowledge and perception of being infected are main risks of HIV transmission within HIV discordant couples and target publicity strategies are in highly needed;PLWH and their spouses should be informed of their infectious status with HIV
China Tropical Medicine