2 0世纪 90年代以降 ,诗歌界放弃理想主义与意识形态已成时尚。其实 ,必须对意识形态和理想主义作出细分 ,意识形态与理想主义中均有正面与负面含义 ,重建诗歌写作的意识形态与理想主义价值观 ,必须坚持在人类超验、信仰、希望引导下的公共理性、意识形态写作 ,即保持个人经验与社会意识之间的必要张力 。
It was in the 1999s that the poetic circle gave up idealism and ideology. Actually, we must subdivide ideology and idealism. There are positive and negative meanings in ideology and idealism.To reestablish the ideological and idealist values of poem writing, we must adhere to the essential nature between personal experience and social consciousness, and seek for the poem writing that balances one’s particular personality and the popularity of the society.
Journal of Huzhou University