冷战结束后 ,周边外交在中国外交决策中占据越来越重要的位置。近几年来 ,中国与东盟政治经济关系的飞速发展引起世人广泛关注 ,作为中国睦邻外交实践的重要组成部分 ,东盟在中国周边外交议程中的地位日益突显。随之而来的一连串的大手笔是中国落实“与邻为善、以邻为伴”外交思想的重大举措 ,也是中国要做一个积极负责任大国的具体表现。中国东盟睦邻外交的实施背景是什么、具体内容有哪些方面及其隐含的意义如何 ,无疑是认识该问题的关键所在 ,本文拟就此做一粗浅分析 。
Peripheral diplomacy has gained increasingly important position in Chinas fore ign policy decision-making after the Cold War. In the past several years, the r apid development of the political and economic relations between China and the A SEAN countries has aroused widespread world attention; as an important part of C hinas good neighborhood diplomatic practice, the significance of ASEAN countri es in Chinas peripheral foreign policy agenda is rising noticeably. A series o f dramatic diplomatic decisions thereafter are the significant measures that Chi na implements the diplomatic ideas of 'Yu Lin Wei Shan, Yi Lin Wei Ban' (treat neighbors kindly, and take them as partners), which are the specific signals th at China is acting as a responsible power. What is the background and what are t he specific contents of China-ASEAN good neighborhood diplomacy and the implied significance of such diplomacy are the keys to understanding Chinas periphera l diplomacy.
International Forum