通过田间试验评价了火烧、修剪和化学药剂处理对五叶地锦生长的影响。结果表明:返青前火烧、修剪以及快速生长期喷施除草剂对五叶地锦的扩展蔓延均有明显的抑制作用。火烧后30~60d内覆盖度平均比对照降低36 2%;齐根修剪和留茬20、40cm的修剪50d后的覆盖率分别只有对照的61 8%、73 3%和78 1%。100g·L-1的草甘膦1500g·hm-2或草甘膦750g·hm-2和100g·L-1的森草净75g·hm-2(混用),50d后的抑制率为24%~38%;250g·kg-1的多效唑120g·hm-2和330g·L-1的除草通990mL·hm-2单用或混用均不能有效抑制五叶地锦的快速生长。因此认为,五叶地锦的生物入侵风险是可以通过火烧、修剪和除草剂施用等方法得到有效控制的。
Field experiments were conducted in Beijing to study the impact of burning, cutting, and chemicals treat on the spreading of Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). Groundcover and growth vigiour were determined after treatments to assess control efficacy. It was indicted that burning in the early spring could reduce groundcover up to 36.2% in average 30 d to 60 d after burning;Cutting at the basement(0 cm), 20 cm or 40 cm of stem decreased groundcover by 38.2%, 26.7% or 21.9% 50 d after cutting respectively. Applied glyphosate at 1 500 g·hm^(-2)alone or combined 100 g·L^(-1) glyphosate (750 g·hm^(-2)) with 100 g·L^(-1) sulfometruon-methyl(75 g·hm^(-2))strongly inhibited the growth of Parthenocissus quinquefolia,the control efficacy was up to 24%~38%.It was concluded that the risk of Parthenocissus quinquefolia could be managed by using burning, cutting, and some chemicals.
Forest Research
国家林业局"948"项目"葛藤等攀援植物新品种引进"(2001 41)资助