本实验采用聚丙烯酰胺梯度垂直平板电泳技术,分析了猕猴桃6个品种的雌雄株和3个品种雄株的过氧化物酶及酯 酶同工酶。实验结果表明:同一个品种的雌雄株之间的过氧化物酶及酯酶同工酶有一定的差异;不同品种的雌和雄株之间的 过氧化物酶及酯酶同工酶酶谱差异明显;雌和雄株之间的酶谱分析没有发现特征带,说明此法用于鉴别猕猴桃品种的性别仍 有较大难度。
Esterase (EST) and Peroxidose (POX) from six breeds of male and female and three varieties of male of Actinidia were studied by using vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results indicated that the EST and POX of the male and female in the same sex have some differences. Between the different male and female the esterase and peroxidose isozymes band types show obvious differences .The results also showed that it didn’t exist sex-marker band in male and female ,and showed that it is still more difficult to identify the sex of Actindia by using this way.
Agriculture and Technology