最近在日本、韩国、泰国、越南和我国的部分地区先后暴发禽流感疫情 ,世卫组织认为引发亚洲等国禽流感疫情是H5N1甲型流感病毒 ,它对人类的威胁非常凶险。就禽流感疾病病原学、流行病学、症状、实验室检查、防止措施以及禽流感与非典的不同、我国对禽流感的研究。
Recently the poultry flu pestilence broke out earlier or later in Japan,Korea,Thailand,Viet Nam and some areas of China.The WTO views it is H5N1 type A flu virus that causes the pestilence in Asia,it is dangerous to the human beings.The article reviews the poultry flu on disease aetiology,epidemiology,symptoms,lab test,prevention measures,the differences of poultry flu from SARS,the study and the latest research trends of our country on poultry flu.
Journal of Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine