在中高级汉语教学中,由于一般还是沿袭初级阶段的教学方法,致使中高级阶段 的教学任务很难切实完成。本文从中高级汉语综合课的课堂讨论入手,尝试用建构主义教学模式 来组织课堂讨论,以期改进中高级阶段的汉语教学办法。
In Chinese lessons for intermediate and advanced students, some of the teaching tasks can't be accomplished because the continuous use of teaehing methods which remains in the beginning stage. Starting with the classroom discussions of intermediate and advanced students, this article aims at improving the Chinese teaching methods in the advanced level with classroom discussions organized by constructivist teaching mode.
Journal of College of Chinese Language and Culture of Jinan University