目的 :探讨医院药学干预对于我院妇产科合理应用抗菌药物的影响作用。方法 :于2014年1-6月对我院妇产科进行抗菌药物的药学干预,并随机抽取300例患者的病历资料与2013年1-6月随机抽取的300份病历资料进行统计分析,比较药学干预对妇产科抗菌药物的影响情况。结果 :2013年1-6月抽取的300例中共有275例使用抗菌药物,2014年1-6月抽取的300例患者中有248例使用抗菌药物,2014年组的抗菌药物使用率显著低于2013年组(P<0.05);两组患者在给药途径、病原体送检方面比较差异不显著(P>0.05);2014年组的给药时间(4.3±2.2)d、联合用药率为5.33%,显著低于2013年组的(5.1±2.1)d,14.67%(P<0.05)。两组患者排前五位的抗菌药物均是头孢噻肟钠、甲硝唑、头孢呋辛、头孢西丁钠、青霉素,2013年组抗菌药物的用药频度(DDDs)值均较2014年组大,2013年组患者的药物利用指数(DUI)值较2014年组患者的DUI值小,DDDs值大说明该药物的应用频度较高,DUI值越接近于1,说明该药物的应用更加合理。结论 :医院药学干预对于促进我院妇产科医生更加合理地使用抗菌药物具有积极的作用,应该常态化地对医院抗菌药物使用进行药学干预,促进合理用药。
Objective:To investigate the effect of pharmaceutical intervention on ratinal application of antibiotics in obstetrics and gynecology in Maternal and Child Care Service Centre of Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, China. Methods:Pharmaceutical intervention was performed on antibiotics in the department of obstetrics and gynecology in this centre from January to June 2014, in which the medical records of 300 patients were randomly selected for statistical analysis, and the results were compared with those of 300 medical records selected from January to June 2013. Results:Antibiotics were used for 275 of 300 patients from January to June 2013, while for 248 of 300 patients from January to June 2014. The application of antibiotics was significantly lower in 2014 than in 2013(P < 0.05). No significant differences were observed in the route of administration and inspection of pathogens of the patients selected in the two years(P > 0.05). The time for administration [(4.3 ± 2.2) d] was significantly shorter while the combination rate(5.33%) was significantly lower in the patients in 2014 than in those in 2013 [(5.1 ± 2.1) d vs. 14.67%](P < 0.05). Cefotaxime, metronidazole, cefuroxime, cefoxitin sodium and penicillin ranked the top five in the antibiotics used. The DDDs of patients in 2013 were higher, while the DUIs were lower, than those in 2014. The high DDDs indicated high frequency of application, and the DUI value closed to 1 indicated the rational application. Conclusion:Pharmaceutical intervention promoted the rational application of antibiotics in this centre, which should be performed regularly.
China Licensed Pharmacist
Pharmaceutical Intervention
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Rational Drug Use