
“澜湄合作机制”建设:原因、困难与路径? 被引量:38

Lantsang-Mekong River Cooperation Initiative: Reason, Difficulty and Path
摘要 作为我国推进区域合作和周边外交的一项重要举措,"澜沧江-湄公河合作机制"于2015年11月12日正式成立。2016年3月,我国主办首次澜湄合作机制领导人会议,澜湄机制建设进入全面推进阶段。作为六国共商、共建、共享的次区域合作平台,澜湄合作机制的发展与完善面临着三方面的突出困难:澜湄合作机制与老机制的协调问题;下游湄公河国家对于澜湄合作机制的认可和接受程度;中国对澜湄合作机制的支持力度。在当前环境下,我国应从战略高度上将澜湄机制建设与"一带一路"有机结合,在策略上重点经营与中路的老挝、泰国和柬埔寨三国的合作;广泛开展功能性领域合作,实现次区域经济合作向政治互信、安全合作扩展;加大开放,放宽粮食进口、地方外事权限等;加强布点考虑,争取澜湄合作中心落户昆明或南宁。通过切实推动澜湄合作机制建设,实现我国在区域合作中的倡议权、引领能力和规则制定权,发挥其在"一带一路"和周边外交中的试验、示范和"早期收获"的作用,促进澜沧江-湄公河次区域的繁荣与稳定。 The Lantsang-Mekong River Cooperation Initiative launched on the November 12 th, 2015, is one of China's major steps in promoting regional cooperation and neighboring diplomacy. In March 2016, China held the First Lantsang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Conference, advancing the development of cooperation mechanisms in an overall manner. The regional cooperation platform is negotiated, constructed and shared by six countries which include China,Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma. and Thailand. Three major questions exist:how the new Lantsang-Mekong Cooperation(LMC) mechanism can complement and develop in synergy with the existing ones, how to enhance the acceptance and recognition of the LMC mechanism by the countries in the lower reaches, and how China supports the LMC mechanism. In the current situation, China needs to strategically integrate the LMC with the Belt and Road Initiative, and pay special attention to fostering cooperation with Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. China should expand the cooperation in some functional areas and transform sub- regional economic cooperation into political mutual trust and security cooperation. China also needs to further its opening, lower restrictions on food import and allow permission of foreign affairs with the local governments. The country should give priority to LMC stationing and set up the LMC agency in Nanning or Kunming.The establishment of the LMC mechanism will enable China to initiate, lead and make rules. Consequently, China can play a better role in the experiment, by employing the Belt and Road Initiative and neighboring diplomacy, which will contribute to the prosperity and security in the sub-Lantsang-Mekong region.
作者 卢光盛 金珍
出处 《战略决策研究》 2016年第3期22-38,105-106,共19页 Journal of Strategy and Decision-Making
基金 国家社科基金项目"一带一路框架下建设大湄公河次区域经济合作升级版的对策研究"(15CGJ025)阶段性成果 云南省社科规划基地项目"打造大湄公河次区域经济合作升级版路径研究" "云南大学青年英才培育计划"
关键词 澜湄合作机制 “一带一路” 大湄公河次区域经济合作 周边外交 Lantsang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism the Belt and Road Greater Mekong subregion economic cooperation neighboring diplomacy
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