
农村卫生人力培训效果的结构方程模型研究 被引量:10

An Influencing Factors Study on the Rural Doctors' Training Effect in Four Pro vinces of China
摘要 目的研究分析农村卫生人力培训效果的影响因素,为进一步提高培训效果提供理论依据,为政府决策提供参考。对象研究的调查对象为中部4省(山西省、安徽省、河南省、河北省)入选的乡村医生。共调查乡村医生800人,收回有效问卷755份,应答率为94.40%;方法横断面调查,统计分析方法采用探索性因子分析、验证性因子研究和结构方程模型。结果采用验证性因子研究和结构方程模型方法,拟合了方程模型。结构模型决定系数为0.60,意味着结构模型解释了因变量变异的60.00%。拟合优度指数GFI=0.909,调整的拟合优度指数AGFI=0.891以及其他指标,表明模型拟合的效果较好,较好地解释了影响乡村医生培训效果的影响因素。结论培训效果可以用工作技能、工作适应性的提高以及考核成绩来进行表述,而影响培训效果的因素则表现为行医资历、培训形式、服务人口总量、乡村医生培训需求和乡村医生教育程度。 OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to analyses the influencing fac to rs associated with the rural dotorstraining effect ,to supply the theory gist for improve the training effect.subjects The SUBJECTS of this study were the r ural doctors who were eligible to be sampled from four provinces incluuing Shanx i,Anhui,Henan and hebei.This study investigated 800 rural dotcors and took ba ck 755 effective questionnaires.The reply rate is 94.40%.METHODS This study carried out cross-sectional study.The statistical methods adopted the Explorat ory Factor Analysis,Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeli ng.RESULTS This study got the fitting equation as follow by the CFA and SEM.Th e determination coefficinet of the structural model was 0.60.and it meant that the structural model could explain the 60.00%of variation of the dependent var iables.The Goodness of Fit Index(GFI)of the model was 0.909,and the Adjusti ve Goodness of Fit Index(AGFI)was 0.891.They proclaimed that the fitting eff ect of the model was good.And it was good for the model to explain the influenc ing factors associated with training effect.CONCLUSION The training effect coul d be expressed as work skill,work flexibility and test result.The 5 major fact ors which influenced the training effect were:doctor seniority,training form, service population,training demand and education level.
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2004年第1期19-23,共5页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 农村卫生事业 卫生人力资源 乡村医生 培训 结构方程模型 影响因素 tructural equation modeling (SEM),training effect influencing fac tors
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