20世纪 40年代中期至 60年代 ,苏联利用新疆特别是伊犁地区各民族与苏联境内一些民族之间的血缘联系 ,在中国公民中大力发展侨民。苏侨分批回国 ,形成了一条返国苏侨与其新疆境内亲属及社会关系进行联系的渠道。新疆苏侨及其庞杂的社会关系网络 ,成为苏联影响得以扩大的重要社会基础。苏联侨民的大量发展和大批回国使苏联的影响在新疆扎下了根。中苏分裂后 ,这种影响 ,以及返国苏侨与新疆边民之间的互动关系 ,成为导致新疆地区社会心理动荡、民族分裂情绪升级的新的潜在性因素。
During 1950s and 1960s, the Soviet Union made greater efforts to develop Soviet nationals amongst Chinese citizens, making use of the close ethnic and blood ties between Xinjiang, particularly the Ili Valley, and the Soviet territories. When Soviet nationals returned to Soviet Union in groups, a channel was formed connecting them to their relatives and social relations in Xinjiang. These Soviet nationals and their intricate social networks provided a solid social foundation for the expansion and solidification of Soviet influence in Xinjiang. This influence and the interaction and communication between the returned Soviet nationals and the frontiers people in Xinjiang became potential factors causing social turbulence and intensifying separatist attempts among ethnic groups.
Historical Research