本文从医务人员的注意义务、注意能力以及法学理论与司法实践的冲突三个角度论述了医疗事故罪的主观方面。对医务人员诊疗中注意义务及其程度的制定标准应当综合考量多种因素 ;在认定医务人员的注意能力时 ,应采用客观说 ;并建议在医疗事故罪的主观定性方面 。
The subjective aspects of medical malpractic e crime was argued from three points: duty of care of medical professionals, capability of care and con flict between legal theory and practice in this thesis. Making the standard for the duty of care and negligence degree, multi-factors in medical practice should be considered. The objective mode is more suited to cognizing the capability of care of medical professionals. In determine the nature of objective, the demarc ation line between deliberate intention and negligence should accordance to dama ged results unviolate real intention of actor.
Journal of Law & Medicine