传统民法上 ,抵押人处分权制度设计的目的在于充分发挥抵押物的使用价值 ,使抵押物物尽其用 ,并实现抵押物交易价值的最大化。抵押权的追及力与抵押物出卖价金的物上代位性作为抵押权人享有的权利 ,目的在于为抵押债权提供信用担保 ,保护抵押债权的安全、实现资金的融通。现行制度体系对抵押权人的利益保护过甚 ,而对于抵押人与买受人的保护相对薄弱 ,导致平等的权利人之间利益失衡。我国担保法应当引入权利衡平机制 ,赋予买受人以物上代位权 ,谋求各权利人之间的利益平衡 。
In the traditional civil law, the purpose of mortgagor's right lies in making full use of the mortgaged property and maximizing its exchanging valuation. The purpose of the pursuant right of mortgagee and the substitution of mortgage sale money, which are the right of mortgagee, is to guarantee the benefit already acquired by the mortgagor, to warrant the fulfillment of mortgage liability, to secure the static security of mortgage, to achieve the circulation of currency. For the orientations of every system are different, they can't be harmonized with each other. The existing system pays too much attention to the benefit of mortgagor, while overpass the protection to the mortgagor and the buyer of mortgaged property, therefore, to equilibrate the benefits of privies and make sure the security of transactions, equilibration institution of right should be introduced into Chinese security law, and the buyer should be entitled to apply the sale cash of mortgaged property to lapse the mortgage.
Modern Law Science