
论我国民事诉讼证明责任分配的一般原则 被引量:25

The General Principles of the Distribution of Burden of Proof in the Civil Procedure in P.R.China
摘要 最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第二条第一款确立了我国民事证明责任的一般原则。该原则可以概括为两个命题:一是提出诉讼请求的当事人对权利根据事实承担证明责任,反对诉讼请求的当事人对抗辩事实承担证明责任;二是当事人各自负有证明责任的事实是实体法所规定的要件事实。我国证明责任分配一般原则需要借助于一定的理论方法才能适用于案件,法律要件分类说应当是主要和首选的理论方法,但是不能排除其他理论的运用。关于证明责任分配一般原则的例外亦即举证责任倒置,现行司法解释中关于特殊侵权案件证明责任分配的规定,多数属于证明责任分配一般原则的具体化,只有很少的内容属于一般原则的例外,构成举证责任倒置。 The main content of this article is clearing up systematically and commenting on the general principles of the distribution of burden of proof in the civil procedure. In part one of the article, by analysis of the statements of other scholars, the author points out why article 1,section 2 of the Several Provisions on Evidence in Civil Proceedings enacted by the Supreme Court has set up the general principles of burden of proof but not only did it dictate the general principles on distribution of burden of proof. In part two, the author has released the nature of the distribution of burden of proof which includes two main propositions: first, the burden of proof is imposed on the party who lodges a complaint based on certain facts meanwhile the other is responsible to testify the fact of pleading; second, the first mentioned proposition is an essential requirement of substantial law. Part three of the article concerns on the applied theoretic methodology of general principles of the distribution of burden of proof. The author recommends that the legal element taxonomy should be the principal choice and the author underlines that other theories may also apply in certain cases. In the last part, the author pays close attention to the exception of the general principals, that is to say, the issue of conversion of the burden of proof. The author finds that the general principles of the distribution of burden of proof can apply to most special tort cases listed by the current judicial interpretation and the conversion of the burden of proof is exceptional one which may apply in limited instances. 
作者 翁晓斌
机构地区 浙江大学法学院
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期74-80,共7页 Modern Law Science
关键词 民事诉讼 证明责任分配制度 要件事实 侵权行为 举证责任倒置 general principle burden of proof liability of evidence providing assertive evidence and rebuttal evidence
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