对外汉语教学语言是指汉语作为第二语言教学过程中课堂教学使用的专门语言。本文认为 ,对外汉语教学语言是一种特定语域中的语言变体 ,它具有很明显的双重性 ,它既是教学过程的媒介语 ,又是第二语言学习者的目的语。这样一种属性使得对外汉语教学语言带有了受限性、动态性等特点。此外 ,本文还讨论了对外汉语教学语言研究的理论价值和应用价值、对外汉语教学语言研究的方法论等问题 ,最后展示了一个教学语言实例样本。
This article argues that more importance should be attached to the research in the field of TCSL pedagogical language in view of its great theoretical and practical values. It is held that the pedagogical language used by teachers of Chinese as a L2 is a kind of Chinese variety in a specific register. As an intermediary language in the classroom as well as the target language of the overseas learners, it has a couple of special features and functions, which can be shown to some extent in a cited audio record of teaching. The methodologies, theoretical basis and objects of the studies on TCSL pedagogical language are also discussed.
Applied Linguistics