国人至今鲜有明了全国人大立法运作制度的。全国人大成文化的法定立法运作制度 ,一直由宪法和有关宪法性法律确定 ,其框架中的基本要素主要是立法法所建置的法律案提案和审议制度 ,也约略包括表决和公布制度。全国人大法律案提案权归属于全国人大系统的有关方面和中央行政、军事和司法机关 ,但只有其中那些国家机关才真正有条件行使法律案提案权 ,而主席团、代表团和人民代表事实上难以行使也未曾行使法律案提案权 ,他们的法律案提案权带有虚置意味。这就使提案权归属在法律上和实践中发生疏离。各提案主体提出法律案的方式是有别的。法律案的审议有两种情形 :旨在决定法律案是否列入议事日程的审议和决定法律案可否成为法律的正式审议。正式审议由大会说明开始 ,尔后分别由各代表团作基本审议、有关专门委员会作专门审议、法律委员会作统一审议 ,后者是尤为重要的审议关口。最后 ,必须注意常委会在全国人大立法运作过程中扮演着极端重要的角色 ,这种角色显然可收弥补全国人大立法行为能力不足之效 ,但是否会造成全国人大立法大权旁落 ,却是一个疑问。
Few Chinese could know some about the operation system of NPC legislation even till today. The Constitution and constitutive laws have been deciding the formal legal operation system of NPC legislation. Its fundamental factors mainly are the provisions of the Law on Legislation on the proposition and deliberation of a bill. The right to propose a bill to the NPC belongs to relative institutions of the NPC, and the central administrative, military and judicial organs. But in reality only the government agencies have the possibilities to use the right and it is hard, impossible to the presidium, delegation and delegate to use the right. Their right to some extent is a little bit to exit in name. This causes the separation of who owns bill proposition right defined in law and carried out in practice. Different sponsors advance their bills in different ways. There are two kinds of procedure to deliberate a bill. In cases where a bill has been put on the agenda, the plenary session shall, after hearing the statements of the sponsor, forward the bill to delegations for elementary deliberation, the relevant NPC committees for special deliberation, and the Legislative Committee for unified deliberation. The last deliberation is the most important. At last, it should be noticed that the NPC standing Committee plays an extreme important role. This role can remedy ability ineffectiveness of NPC legislation performance. But it also brings about a question of whether it will cause NPC legislation power to be fallen into some other's hands.
Seeking Truth
The Law of Legislation
the National People's Congress
legislation operation
proposition of a bill
deliberation of a bill