
中国文学海外传播:反思与对策 被引量:7

Chinese Literature Translated and Received Abroad: Theoretical Reflection and Practical Strategy
摘要 提升'文化自信'是中国文化和文学的时代使命,它直接影响到世界文学格局的角力和国家软实力竞争。在此过程中,'走向世界'的中国文学外译自然是中国文化和文学的必然要求和必经之路。本文从传播学视域探讨中国文学外译问题,将中国文学外译视作跨文化传播活动,反思中国文学译作生产、传播和接受等各个环节的运作机制,发现其中的问题和症结所在,并尝试提出可行的应对策略。笔者认为汉学家并非中国文学外译的唯一或最佳译介群体,过度强调对译作的字面忠实未必能保证译作的传播效果;国内出版的译作很难进入海外主流销售渠道;专业读者是中国文学译作的主要阅读群体。基于此,笔者认为中国文学外译的'合作翻译模式'有助于中国文学在海外的传播与接受,这种合作模式包括与汉学家合作翻译、与境外出版社合作出版以及与境外学术界和批评界合作推介。 The strengthening of cultural confidence through the translation and dissemination of Chinese cultural and literary heritage is not only the mission of the times;it also plays an important and decisive role in the competition among nations to remap the landscape of world literature, which is a way to demonstrate and flex the soft power. The translation of Chinese literary works promises to be a viable and inevitable way for China to move toward the world. The essay draws on communication theories and considers literary translation as a cross-cultural communication activity. The analysis of three key aspects,i.e., translation, dissemination and reception, will shed important light on the process as a whole, which will in turn serve as an effective guide for future efforts in devising appropriate models of translation to help speed up the process of Chinese literature’s'going out'. This study holds that sinologists are not the only ideal translators to help disseminate Chinese literature in the world. In addition, the overemphasis on the 'fidelity to the original work' does not ensure the success of the translation. Third, there is still a long way to go for the translated works published in China's Mainland to enter the mainstream distribution channels in the English-speaking world. Last, the translation of Chinese literary works is received better in the academia than among general readers.Taking the above into consideration, the author proposes a 'co-translation model', that is, cooperation between Chinese translators and sinologists, cooperation between Chinese and overseas publishers and cooperation between the Chinese and overseas scholars and critics to promote Chinese literature and culture worldwide.
作者 陈向红 Chen Xianghong
出处 《文学理论前沿》 CSSCI 2018年第1期100-125,共26页 Frontiers of Literary Theory
基金 作者主持承担的浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“英译中国现当代文学副文本研究”[项目编号:19NDJC157YB]的阶段性研究成果
关键词 中国文学 译介 传播 反思 对策 Chinese literature translation dissemination rethinking solutions
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