中国传统医学与古希腊医学有着极为相似的经历和命运。可是 ,具有根深蒂固原子论传统的欧罗巴人 ,信守逻辑实证主义的思维原则 ,在人体解剖实验的基础上 ,利用还原分析和实验求证的方法 ,使古希腊医学从思辨走向描述和结构时代 ,这是顺乎逻辑的自然发展。自古崇尚元气论的中国人 ,按照整体系统思维的原则 ,运用直觉思维模式 ,经过意象思维的程序 ,使中医学一脉相承地进入思辨和系统时代 ,正是历史的必然。因此 ,两种哲学传统、两种思维方式 ,为人类提供了两种生命图景。一个是实体世界 ,一个是现象世界。他们是世界映入人类思维中产生二重化的结果 ,是科学认识多元化的反映 ,是人类思维本性和实践本性所固有的 ,两者都是客观世界的真实反映。准确把握中西医学不同的发展历史和演进阶段 ,对中医现代化应有的内涵和意义才有深刻的理解。
There is extremely similar experience and fate of medicine between traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Greek medicine.However,the European,with deeply rooted tradition of atomic theory,stuck to the principle of positivism. On the basis of experiments of human anatomy,by making use of the method of reduction analysis and experimental identification,ancient Greek medicine entered a descriptive and structural age from dialeCtism.This is in line with the logic of natural development. Upholding the theory of vitalism(primordial Qi) from ancient time,the Chinese,based on the consciousness of wholism,applied the pattern of intuition,and the process of imaging consciousness,ushered Chinese medicine consistently into adialectical and systemical age,and this is an inevitable outcome of history. Thus,two philosophical systems,two patterns of thinking offered two kinds of life pictures,the material world and the phenomenal world.or,in other words,the visible world and the knowable world.They were the dualized outcome produced in human's thinking as a reflection of the objective world,and the outcome of pleuralization of scientific knowledge,being the intrinsic nature of human thinking and practice. Both were the truereflection of the objective world,In view of the huge action of philosophical thinking on the scientific recognition of human being,the in-depth understanding of the content and significance of modernization of TCM can only be understood by the precise grasping of the different history and its evolution stages.
Chinese Journal of Medical History
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)
Pattern of thinking
Comparative studies