新课程能否顺利实施 ,关键在于教师的素质能否适应要求。新的课程环境下教师的角色将发生哪些改变 ?教师需要哪些新的工作方式 ?需要哪些新的技能 ?学生学习方式的改变会向教师提出哪些挑战 ?为了帮助广大师生增强对新课程的了解和认识 ,为实施新课程做好各方面的准备 ,笔者结合 2 0 0 2年 4月份在北京参加“新课程标准骨干培训者国家级培训”中得到的有关信息 ,就本次课程改革对教师提出的新的要求进行探讨。
Whether new curricula can be carried out smoothly or not depends on whether teacher's quality can adapt requirements or not.Under new curricula circumstances what changes will teacher's role take place ? What new way of life and new technical ability will teacher need ? What challenges will the change of student's way of study be put to teacher ? In order to help the mass of teacher and student understanding new curricula and do all kind of prepartion for carrying out new curricula,the writer combines the relevant information which he gained from taking part in new curricula standard core trainer of national training in April 2002 in Beijing,he approached reform of the curricula put new requirement before teacher and answers matters of interest to both teacher and student.