通过测定最小抑制浓度和相对抑制率,观察了脱乙酰度对壳聚糖抑制植物病原细菌(胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌、油菜黄单孢菌绒毛草致病菌、丁香假单孢菌黍致病变种)效果的影响。结果表明3种不同脱乙酰度的壳聚糖在浓度为0 0005,0 001,0 005g L时,对病原细菌都有明显的抑制作用,抑制强度因壳聚糖的理化性质以及病原细菌的不同而有较大差异,在一定范围内,随脱乙酰度的增大(乙酰基含量降低),壳聚糖的抑菌效果相应降低,提示乙酰基可能在壳聚糖的抑菌作用中起着重要作用。
The antibacterial effect of three kinds of chitosans with same molecular weight and different Deacelylated Degree (75%,85%,95%) respectively , was evaluated against three plant pathogenic bacteria(Erwinia cartovara Var carotovora,Xanthamonas campestris Pv holcicola,Psendomonas spyrings Pv panici ). From the results here, the growth of three pathogenic bacteria tested was inhibited by chitosan treatments , and the inhibiting rate rises with the rising of chitosan concentration . The antibacterial activity varied with the chemical and physical properties of chitosan and the kinds of pathogenic bacteria, the Deacelylated Degree of chitosans is critical for microorganism inhibition, generally, chitosan with lower deacelylated degree showed a better inhibitory effect than chitosans with medium and higher deacelylated degree.
Journal of Beijing Union University