随着短流程炼钢的迅速兴起 ,废钢消耗量急剧增加 ,世界范围内废钢供应已经出现了严重缺口 ,我国每年须从国际市场进口大量废钢才能满足钢铁生产的供需平衡 ,在我国废钢已成为紧缺资源 ,影响着我国特钢业的发展。分析了这一形势 ,并初步探讨了解决这一问题的方法 ,建立合理的废钢储备及使用体系 ,使废钢资源合理化流动 ,同时积极探寻优质的废钢代用品 ,以便从根本上解决我国废钢短缺问题。
With the swift arising of the short flow steelmaking the amount of scrap consumption drastically increases and as the results serious shortage of the scrap supply has occurred across the world. In China large amount of scrap has to be imported annually from the international market to meet the demand of steelmaking.Shortage of scrap has checked the development of special steel production in China since it is already the resource of high scarcity in the Country. The present paper analyzes the situation and discusses preliminarily the way to solve the problem. It is suggested that a normal scrap reservation and usage system be eslabished to promote a resonable flow of the scrap resource, and in the meanwhile all efforts have to be made to find out the most suitable substitutes of the scrap steel in order to solve the problem of scrap shortage completely in our country.