目的 :对可待因桔梗片用于镇咳的临床效果及安全性作进一步评价。方法 :采用多中心开放试验设计 ,对95 0例患急性支气管炎或慢性支气管炎、肺部感染、肺癌等并伴有中度以上咳嗽症状的患者进行治疗 ,每次口服 1-2片 ,每日 3次 ,用药期一般为 7d左右 ,最长不超过 14d。结果 :可待因桔梗片临床控制率为 2 8 6 %、显效率为5 1 6 % ,总有效率为 80 2 %。不良反应主要有胃不适、嗜睡、便秘和头晕 ,发生率为 5 % - 10 %左右。未出现药物依赖的情况。结论 :可待因桔梗片有确切的镇咳和祛痰作用。不良反应轻微 ,只要掌握好用药的剂量和时间 。
Objective: To re-evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of codeine platycodon compound tablet. Methods: An open, multi-center study was conducted. 950 cases with above moderate cough received codeine platycodon compound tablet. Each patient took orally 1-2 tablets each time, tid, for 2-14 days. Results: The overall efficacy rate was 80.2%. The main adverse drug reactions were stomach upset, drowsiness, constipation and dizzy with low incidence. No dependence on the drug had been found after 14 days of continued administration. Conclusion: Codeine platycodon compound tablet is an effective and safe medicine when it is used as an antitussive and expectorant agent for no more than 14 days.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence