采用AS系列负氧离子(O2-)发生器 ,使蓖麻蚕、家蚕1~5龄生活在空气富含O2-(浓度>5×104 个·cm-2)的蚕室中 ,按蛹→蛾→卵→蚁蚕→蚕生长发育顺序 ,研究了负氧离子对其的影响与作用。结果表明 :处理组比对照组出蛾齐一 ,羽化率增高 ;产卵速度加快 ,总产卵量增多 ,良卵率加大 ,不受精卵率减少 ;胚子发育整齐 ,孵化齐一 ,孵化率增高 ,并在一定程度上能增进次代蚕的强健度。另外 ,幼虫期和卵期环境中都补充O2-,可使实用孵化率极显著地高于对照11.38 %(家蚕)和9.08%(蓖麻蚕) ,而只在卵期补充负氧离子 ,也可有效地促进胚子发育与孵化齐一 。
Raising eri-silkworm (Philosamia cynthia ricini B) and silkworm (Bombyx mori L)(1-5 larval or ovum stages) in the raising room with rich negative ions of oxygen (5×104No.·cm3) by using negative ions of oxygen generators of AS-series, the influence and effect of negative ions of oxygen on silkworm were researched by the numbers in the genital and developing order of pupaes, moths, ova, antsilkworms and silkworms. The result showed that the worked group eclosion was uniformer and the eclosion rate was higher. The speed of laying eggs was faster, the total laying enhances, the good laying rate increased and unzygote rate reduced;The embryos grow orderliness and the hatched was uniformer, the hatched rate enhances and the sturdiness of offspring silkworm was furthered. Moreover negative ions of oxygen was supplied in the surroundings during the larva and ovum, which makes the practical hatched rate was higher 11.38 percent(silkworm)and 9.08 percent (eri-silkworm).However, negative ions of oxygen was complemented only during the ovum period,which could effectively enhance those and gain the same effect, compared to the silkworm period.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University