用 2 16只 7日龄艾维茵肉仔鸡研究早期能量限饲 (ME =10 .5 8MJ·kg-1)或蛋白质限饲 (w(CP) =16 .80 % )对蛋白质周转代谢的影响。结果表明 :限饲阶段 ,能量限饲降低氮的利用率 ,蛋白质限饲提高氮的利用率 ;能量限饲和蛋白质限饲显著降低胸肌和腿肌蛋白质周转率 ,但对肝脏蛋白质周转率无影响。营养恢复阶段 ,能量限饲和蛋白质限饲均提高氮的利用率 ;能量限饲不影响胸肌和肝脏的蛋白质周转率 ,但导致腿肌的蛋白质生长率( 9.4 7% )显著高于对照组 ( 7.4 2 % ) ;蛋白质限饲对胸肌。
Two hundreds and sixteen 7 day old Avian broilers were used to examine the effect of low energy (ME= 10.58MJ·kg -1 ) or low protein(w(CP)=16.80%) feed restriction during early growth period on protein turnover of broilers. The results showed that energy restriction decreased the retention of nitrogen the period of restriction; protein restriction increased the retention of nitrogen. The breast and thigh fractional rate of protein synthesis (FSR), fractional growth rate (FGR), fractional degradation rate (FDR) were significantly decreased by energy restriction and protein restriction. No changes in liver protein turnover were observed by the two restriction treatments. During the compensatory period, energy and protein restriction improved the retention of nitrogen. The protein turnover of breast and liver were not influenced by the energy restriction, but the FGR (9.47%) of thigh muscle in energy restriction is higher than that of control (7.42%). The muscle and liver FGR, FSR, FDR were not influenced by protein restriction.
Journal of China Agricultural University
教育部博士点基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 0 0 0 1910 )