E. L.多克托罗的小说《霍默与兰利》利用美国历史上的真实人物及事件为蓝本,不仅表现了从镀金时代至20世纪80年代的美国历史,而且细致描写了霍默与兰利两兄弟的思想观念和生活方式。运用存在主义视角解读《霍默与兰利》,可以更深入地理解小说的荒诞书写及主人公的抗争行动。《霍默与兰利》的荒诞书写主要体现在对人物的荒诞命运、荒诞人际关系的展示上;两位主人公亦利用不同方式进行了拒斥'不诚'、恪守'本真'的坚决反抗,从而也印证了萨特和加缪的存在主义理论和小说对多克托罗创作的影响。
Based on the real figures and incidents in American history,Homer and Langley of E.L.Doctorow depicts not only the American history from the Gilded Age to the 1980 s,but also the ideas and lifestyles of the brothers Homer Collyer and Langley Collyer in great detail.Applying the perspective of existentialism to interpret Homer and Langley helps understand the writing of absurdity,and the rebellion and struggle of the heroes more deeply.The writing of absurdity in Homer and Langley embodies mainly in the revelation of the heroes’absurd fate and their absurd interpersonal relationships;the two heroes firmly struggle against bad faith as well as cling to authenticity,therefore confirming the influence of the existential theories and fictions of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus upon Doctorow’s creative writing.
Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature