社区教育是终身教育的一部分。在我国构筑终身教育体系 ,创建学习化社会 ,应立足于社区。电大以自己的系统优势、设施优势和教育资源优势为社区教育提供全方位的支持服务 ,完全有能力参与和推动社区教育。在实现教育的大众化普及化 。
Community education is part of life-long education.In our country,a complete life-long educational system and the construction of a learning society should be based on communities.With the advanced system,equipment and teaching resources,RTVU are completely capable of participating in and promoting community education by providing comprehensive supportive service for it.In the process of realization of popularized eduation and promotion of life-long education for the whole people,RTVU themselves can get developed as well.
Journal of Guangdong Radio & Television University