利用盐酸羟胺与紫杉宁侧链肉桂酰基上的双键能够发生的加成反应 ,进行 5 -位肉桂酰基选择性水解 ,研究了生成物的结构和得率 ,确定了该反应的较佳反应条件为紫杉宁、盐酸羟胺以及醋酸钠的摩尔比为 1 5 1 0 .
Selective hydrolysis of cinnamoyl group at C-5 of taxinine was achieved with addition of hydroxylamine hydrochloride to the carbon-carbon double bond of cinnamoyl, the strcture and yield of product was studied, the better condition was examined that molar ratio of taxinine to hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium acetata is 1510.
Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University