生态学经过一个多世纪的发展 ,形成了有自身特色的研究理念和理论体系 ,在推动科技发展和社会进步方面发挥了不可替代的作用。对于这样一门既充满活力而又面对许多挑战的学科 ,很有必要对它从科学史、科学哲学和科学社会学的角度 ,进行全面的思考和研究 ,从而促进它的发展 。
The ecology which is developing rapidly and facing many challenges plays an important role in the progress of science and the progress of society. After more than one century's evolution, ecology has formed its own research method and theoretical system. It is necessary to investigate it with the view of science of science, for its own development, for better service to the sustainable development and for the richness of science of science.
Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences