城市经营、城市管治是两个相辅相成的城市发展新理念。城市经营是城市管治得以发挥作用的对象和平台 ,城市管治是城市经营的支持系统和保障系统 ,二者的行为主体是对称的、一致的。“经营———管治”则将这两个理念整合为一种在政府和市场之间进行权力与利益平衡再分配的制度性思维 ,是对政府和市场有限理性的反思。在它看来 ,无论是“政府单边主义”还是“市场单边主义” ,都会给城市现代化蒙上阴影。
Urban management and urban governance are two new concepts of urban development which supplement each other.urban management is the foundation on which urban governance can be set,and also,urban governance is the supporting and protecting system of urban management,both of them are consistent and symmetric.'Management-governace'puts the two concepts into a constitutional thought which balances the government power and market benefit,reflecting the limited ration of government and market.From the viewpoint,both 'government unilateralism'and 'market unilateralism'will block the ubran modernization.