
发展性口吃汉字朗读过程中语音产出的自动化程度 被引量:5

Automaticity of articulation process of developmental stutterers in reading chinese characters
摘要 目的口吃者言语产出自动化问题是多年来理论的关键问题之一,研究此问题可揭示大脑言语产生的作用机制,并对口吃矫正的理论和方法具有实际的应用意义。方法应用双任务探测反应时的行为实验范式,通过复杂性不同的单字实验和两字实验,分别检测了22例发展性口吃者在朗读和默读汉字两种阅读状态下探测任务(语音搜索和语音比较)的按键反应时。结果朗读状态下探测任务的反应时在单字和两字实验中都较默读状态延长,其中单字实验中的差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),两字实验中的差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.001);而且单字与双字语音产出时间(朗读与默读探测反应时之差异量)的比较具有显著性(P<0.01),表明两字朗读状态下语音产出反应时较单字明显延长。结论发展性口吃者朗读时的语音产出为一种自动化程度较低的控制性加工,言语复杂性增加使不流利言语增多可能与语音产出需要的注意资源增加有关。 Aim Stuttering has long been regarded as a speech motor disorder.The dysfunction of automa tic articulation process of stutterers is one of the causes for disfluency in stutterers.This study was to investig ate whether attentive resources are needed in developmental stutterers' artic-ulation.Methods The subjects were 22developmental s tutterers.Based on dual-task interference theory,the probe RT method was used to measure the reaction time of probe task under two conditions:reading aloud and its baseline(silent reading).There were two sorts of rhyme decision as probe tasks in two experiments.Subjects were required to search if there was an'an'rhyme from one character' s phoneme and to compare same rhyme from two character' s phoneme respectively.Results The difference be-tween reading aloud and silent readi ng conditions in both experiments in developing stutterer' s restults of the probe task were sign ificant difference.It suggests that when reading aloud,their reaction time of probe task in-creased compared with the baseline c ondition,and the more complex the task was,the longer their reaction t ime.Conclusion The articulation process of developmental stutterers in reading is more a controlled proc ess than an automatic one,and the dysflu ent speech may be resulted from that fact that their articulation needs more attentive resources when the speech task become more complex.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2003年第7期1087-1089,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 中国博士后科学基金(中博基狖2001狚14) 国家重点基础研究规划项目"脑功能和脑重大疾病的基础研究"(G1999054000)~~
关键词 发展性口吃 汉字 朗读 语音 自动化程度 口吃矫正 默读 反应时间 stuttering reaction time voice automation
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